House Value (€):
Loan Amount (€):
Loan to Value Ratio:
0 years
Payment / Month:

Stress Test

To see what would happen in the event interest rates were to rise, use the box to select a rate increase: Changes are displayed in red above.

Payment Accelerator

Use the payment accelerator to see the impact of increasing your mortgage payments. The interest rate used will be the average of those displayed above.

Additional Monthly Payment:

Begin Your Mortgage Application

Are You...
A first time buyer
Moving house
A property investor
Mortgage Requirments
Purchase price/valuation:(€)
Mortgage required:(€)
Number of Applicants
Existing Property
Current house value:(€)
Current mortgage:(€)
Mortgage term remaining (Yrs):

Your Details
Email *
Phone: *
Name *
Location: *

Additional Details
Enter any additional information you consider relevant:

About This Calculator

Use our mortgage calculator to compare mortgage rates from our lenders.

Our Mortgage calculator displays the cheapest mortgage rates in Ireland and compares the best rates available from our lenders.

Our mortgage repayment calculator lets you examine the best mortgage rates available.

Use our mortgage calculator to compare and analyse the various mortgages on offer from Ireland's leading mortgage lenders. Our mortgage repayment calculator searches the market for the lowest mortgage rates. The mortgage calculator enables you to analyse the relative merits of competing mortgages over different time horizons including the best value products after five, ten, fifteen years etc, depending on criteria and individual preferences.

Click on a product for further details and analysis including stress testing, interest only repayments and the effect of increasing monthly repayments on reducing the mortgage term.