Gary is born and bred in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. He studied Electronic Engineering in UL and worked with Ericsson and Alcatel across many countries, including Mexico, Canada, Sweden and France. His travels eventually took him back home to Clonmel where he married Claire. He worked in a consultancy capacity with some local businesses and helped them transition their traditional businesses into the newly evolving IT world. He studied part time and fulfilled a long held ambition to earn a Masters of Business Administrations (MBA). After graduating with 1st class honours, he developed an idea born out of his thesis, and in 2008 Red Nose Wine was born ( as was his 2nd child ). Gary built this local business for the next 14 years and won multiple business awards and was importing some of the best wines in the world into Ireland and selling them to some of the best restaurants as well as the public.
In January 2020 Gary made the move into the financial services sector. He completed his QFA qualifications in record time and brings his considerable and varied experience to a role he feels he was made for.
Alongside building his Financial Services business, Gary has 3 children, one in primary and two in the early stages of secondary. He coaches the Clonmel Town u14 soccer team and has seen his golf handicap slowly increase in line with his children’s activities. He harbours ambitions to someday play off single figures, but while very pragmatic in all things financial, he is a bit of a dreamer when it comes to sport, so that particular goal sits in the ‘Let’s see’ section. The last few years he has taken to wearing Lycra and can often be seen trying to keep up to his friends on a weekend cycle across South Tipperary and West Waterford.
Gary loves music as much as sport and once played in a nearly famous band in the 90s. He still plays guitar ( the drums are long since banished ), and his three kids now play the guitar as well. They were indoctrinated with Bob Dylan from birth, so they had no choice.
Gary feels that his experience of building a business in a recession, and also starting a family at the same time, gives him a good insight into just how difficult it can be for people to get the balance right between what they feel they need to have, and what is practical at that moment. The years leading up to preparing for that mortgage can be stressful and understanding the client’s perspective is vital. Gary believes that giving them honest feedback on what is realistic in terms of their expectations is important but putting a plan together early can really help. Being able to bring his clients on this journey is one of Gary’s key strengths.